Saturday, July 15, 2006

Whoever told me that
I would be good at this?
That I would not freak out
at the first sign of trouble,
whether real or perceived.
That I would stand strong and impervious,
When careless words, other people's agendas, and
deadliest of all, the sound of casual distance in your voice,
magnified by bad connection,
Assault our fragile castle made of sand.

Why did I think that
This would be easy?
To accept not just those you love,
but also others, those you no longer do...
The strings they choose to pull
out of merciless ignorance or stubborn hurt
Now are attached to me, as well.

Same address: Give me strength to bless
this new responsibility towards them...
If for no other reason, then because
They are no longer loved by you.

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